Jacob Sanders has been in theater for over twelve years. He truly delights in being on stage and making people laugh, and it’s a good thing. He is a natural comedian. He has a sharp wit, creative vision and knowledge that has grown steadily since his early days in Missoula Children’s Theater. In short he’s a natural for theater and an great talent at improv.
Since Jacob learned the dramatic arts at an early age, he speaks of the joy it has given to be on stage and learn with his siblings. He particularly enjoyed performing in the Odyssey with his younger and older brother.
Recently he was cast in a lead role in the short comedy version of 39 Steps, performed in partnership between Roswell Community Little Theatre and The Liberty The production was smart, funny, and a great evening. Jacob played his role masterfully and his love of theater showed through in every scene.
Jacob’s enjoyment of drama and the dramatic arts is rooted in his love for people. He wants to make people happy. He says that if he can make people laugh and enjoy themselves while he is on stage then he as done his job. Jacob is charming in person, but once he is on-stage, that charm is magnified. He is a delightful performer and addition to any cast. He has a fabulous team spirit and is fearless in enacting improv games.
For a fun family night out, join Jacob at Mission Improvable Friday night. FOr more information or to buy tickets, click below.