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Meet Angela Wipperman. Without her the Roswell Community Little Theatre’s would be dark and quiet.

Angela spent her earliest years in Dallas Texas. Then, when she was four-years-old, her family moved to El Paso Texas. In the eighth grade and all the way through high school and community college Angela sang in choir. She also helped at her father’s business. Once Angela kept the gas station open late so that Denzel Washington could get gas. Angela’s ornery smile lights up when she remembers that Denzel tipped her one-hundred dollars for staying open.

When Angela was a junior in high school, she joined sixteen of the best youth voices from Texas to sing at Carnegie Hall. There Angela met Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis, and Demi Moore. She admits to still being a little star struck.

As a singer, Angel became comfortable on stage, but even more comfortable behind the scenes. From her first years in live performing, she helped with lights and sound. In her earliest stage experience she had to actually go downstage and physically move stage lights. Angela also really enjoys helping with costumes and sets. She worked with costumes sets, light and sound before ever going on stage as an actress.

Angela acted some in school and even for Roswell Community Little Theater (RCLT) in Unnecessary Farce. With her quick wit and lively personality, she is perfect for improv. Angela plans to audition for Mission Improvable on March 16 at RCLT.

Angela also loves working with children in theater. One of her favorite memories was helping backstage for and elementary school production of the Wizard of Oz. She enjoyed helping the munchkins and lollipop kids get ready and seeing the set and play come together, had her hooked for live theater.

Come see Angela’s latest work in Four Old Broads, which is in its second week of performances. Friday March 4 and Saturday March 5 at 7:30 p.m. The final performance will take place next Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in Roswell Community Little Theatre. For more information go to:

Don’t forget to check out Mission Improvable. You might get to see Angela on stage. For more information go to: